1) 29,882 likes
2) The top of the page is promoting the film and the platforms that they are accessible for purchase.

This would appeal to the Plan B target audience as those who are of a younger age who are into acting would be able to take up on this opportunity. The target audience would be those who are inspired by films and want something to do with them and also Plan B is there to help out these children and this is an opportunity for them to get involved and change their life.

The target audience that liked both the film and the soundtrack of iLL Manors would be the main target audience for the film Offender, it would be under the same category and could possibly have the same impact that the film iLL Manors has. It promotes the film by talking about the trailer, the soundtrack, the actors and the director.

This will target mainly those were into the soundtrack of the film as well as the film itself, they would be those who are Plan B's core target audience before the film came out itself and are into the music that he makes. The target audience would be into the hip-hop rap genre and are likely to be fans of other rappers who have taken on the style of rap Plan B has seen to produce over the years.

This would target people who are into the NME music magazine and as it is promoting Plan B it would be targeted at those who are into the music that was in the film and it is a music magazine so it would be talking mainly about the soundtrack that the film had to offer. This would also be aimed at those who watched the film but also those who are fans of Plan B's music before the film came out.
4. There is cross promotion between the soundtrack of the film that has been identified in the music magazine and also the soundtrack of the film which has left a link for the audience to watch it.
There is also promotion between the film and the soundtrack of the film which is seen with the awards that the film could win at the BRITS which one of them is for the film and the other is for the soundtrack.
There is cross promotion between the film and the Johnathan Ross that Plan B was at to talk about his film. The show he attended was made after the film had been made for him to promote it on prime time TV for promotion so that more people can watch the film.
5. One of the competitions that you can enter can be to win a copy of the film, the audience finds a competition to be appealing and as a result they are more inclined to watch the film if they win.
There was also another one for those who have an interest for being in films or even helping direct, any sort of role to be able to make a film for those who are young and have a passion for it.
There is also a post asking if music can change things which allows people to interact with each other and get their view across. They are able to leave comments and discuss with one another their views.
6. There is a post which says people thoughts on iLL Manors track. This is repeated through the page so that people are able to talk about the soundtrack and as a result promote it and are able to listen to it.
There is also links to a YouTube page which has the songs and the soundtrack of the film on the Facebook page so for those who haven't gotten a chance to listen to the film or the soundtrack are able to do so.

8. They did this to promote the film through the Facebook page by putting up the trailer of the film so that people who visit the page are able to see the trailer of the film if haven't done so before. It tells us about the film and the release date of the film as well, it also promotes the book of the film.
Ill Manors Twitter feed
1. The twitter page shows the film and the soundtrack and promotes them both on the Twitter page, it keeps everyone up to date and gives the audience a chance to interact with the other members of the audience.
3. Josh Franceschi tweeted ''Watching iLL Manors with my mum. Explaining what 'fam' 'sket' 'wasteman' etc means before we start 'so she gets it'. This would appeal to a younger target audience as they would be able to understand what the words mean and could relate to this as their parents may also not understand what the words mean.
Ryan de la cruz tweeted "#ILLManors @iLLManors is out on DVD and Blu Ray also available online! #MustBuy #Support". This is targeting people who are into the hip hop rap genre that both Plan B and Ryan produce and promoting the film so that they are able to by the DVD.
BBC One radio also tweeted multiple times talking about Plan B and the film including the soundtrack, it will be promoting a wider audience for example those who are fans of BBC One, fans of Plan B's music and those who interested in watching the film.
4. Twitter uses links and pictures to promote the film, there are images of the actors of the film so they are recognizable to the audience, there are links which allow the audience to go onto YouTube so that they can watch the trailer of the film but also so that they can listen to the soundtrack of the film.

Tag London is used to promote the film and those who are into things that are seen to be associated with urban culture such as graffiti, this is done to target a more urban audience and those who listen to rap and hip hop so that they can attract a wider target audience.
6. The Twitter page was promoting the film such as links to the soundtrack which is available on YouTube for the audience to listen to, trailers to the film and also pictures of the poster to the film so that the audience are able to see it.
Ill Manors on Instagram
1. Instagram promotes the film by showing videos and pictures of the film which are reposted so that they can promote the film. There would be pictures of Plan B and posters of the film which are able to be seen.

This promotes the film after the release so that people who have watched the film or haven't can go to the shops and buy the film. This would be promotion for buying the film after being released in the cinema.
This image would be promoting the soundtrack of the film so that those who are interested in the film and are interested in the film are able to see that they can purchase the album of the film.
This poster would be promoting the film so that people can watch it, this is effective as it shows the ratings of the film so that those who want an opinion of the film from someone of a high status so they can make an informed decision of deciding to watch the film or not.
3. #IllManors
The reason these are important is so that the audience are able to interact with the rest of the people are get their views across.

There is cross promotion between the film and the soundtrack, the image was put on their Instagram to promote both the film and the music video of the film.

This is on their page so that they can promote the soundtrack of the film yet the soundtrack also has ill manors on the bottom left so people can identify the film from the soundtrack or the soundtrack from the film which cross promote each other.
YouTube - planbuk channel
1. It helps promote the film as it shows the soundtrack that has been used in the film so when people listen to the songs that appear in the film they are more likely to go and watch the film.
2. There is cross promotion between YouTube and Twitter, they both show the trailer and the music videos which are from the soundtrack. Twitter uses links to promote the songs on YouTube from their iLL Manors page.
3. There are links to other social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Soundcloud.
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